Monday, October 31, 2011


Maybe it was the darkness in the park,  the music before the demo ( REM doesn't sound like a Che Guevara Song) , the spirit of the marchers, and the speeches. Maybe it was the short time the demo went on. I can't point to something specific..but its clear that Gan Havradim (the rose  garden) in Jerusalem,  is not  Tahrir Sq. And last night’s demonstration there was not one like those we had this summer here in the city.

A student standing next to me called for a strike during the coming opening  of the University academic year, , and was immediately silenced by his mates, "if you have something to say, make an appointment  with the students leader and tell him what you have to say", he was told. 

It's clear Jerusalemites are not ready for a Social revolution. The people are not angry and hungry enough to bring a change. Something is missing in the eyes of the ones who call for social justice during the summer.  

In the demo yesterday the old vanguard of what remains  from the left was there, almost as a rescue team. The same old faces felt the need to show their presence. 

And the obedience......... to the point that  the Knesset security guards, as if  embarrassed by the precautions taken against the march  opened the perimeter fences to allow the demonstrators, who posed  no security risk, to use  the entrance of the Israeli parliament to speed their departure from  the place..... 

Who  can really believe the  3000  (???) people in Gan Havradim yesterday could bring any change?. 

October 2011. Quique Kierszenbaum

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